An Idiot’s Guide to Saving the World

About the show

The world is in crisis, right? We are facing a climate emergency, a refugee crisis, on-going inequalities and increasing numbers of people living in extreme poverty.. But what can we do to make a difference? It can be overwhelming to know where to begin.

But we mustn’t give up. There are moments of optimism in this darkness, there are solutions to some of these issues and there are incredible people around the world making a difference. And there is a plan to guide this action. In 2015, world leaders responded to these challenges by committing to 17 Global Goals. But what are these goals? How are they being achieved? And how can we get involved?

In ‘An Idiot’s Guide to Saving the World’, Gail Gallie and Loyiso Madinga will answer these questions and take you on a journey across the globe to meet the people on the frontline; those who are affected and those making a difference. We demystify the gloomy narrative and harness some optimism to leave you feeling empowered and armed with ideas and the ability to take action.

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