
Why Podcasts Beat Video Engagement!

Read Time: 4 minutes Can audio really beat video for better engagement? We've collated the evidence and the findings paint…

2 years ago

3 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting a Podcast

Read Time: 5 minutes Thinking of making a podcast? Before you begin, take note of these 3 tips from experts…

2 years ago

How Long Should Your Podcast Be?

Read Time: 3 minutes It can be a struggle to work out the perfect length for your podcast. Luckily, we're…

2 years ago

Podcast Tips From the Creators of Namaste Motherf**kers

Read Time: 2 minutes Meet Cally Beaton and Mike Hanson, the creators of the Namaste Motherf**kers podcast. They share their…

2 years ago

Saving the World One Podcast at a Time

Read Time: 2 minutes A look at Project Everything's new podcast 'An Idiot's Guide to Saving the World'. A branded…

2 years ago

Auddy Spotlight: Tam McGregor

Read Time: 2 minutes Get to know a member of the Auddy team. This month, we're introducing you to Tam…

2 years ago

Equipment Every Podcaster Needs for Premium Audio Quality

Read Time: 5 minutes We all want our podcast to have the best sound quality possible. But what equipment will…

2 years ago

Recording Your Podcast From Home – How to Set Up

Read Time: 2 minutes If you're recording your podcast from home this doesn't need to hinder the quality of your…

2 years ago

How to Create a Branded Podcast

Read Time: 6 minutes Thinking of creating a branded podcast? All you need to do is follow these 6 steps.…

2 years ago

5 SEO Tips for Podcasting

Read Time: 3 minutes Want to improve the SEO ranking of your podcast? Here are our top tips.

2 years ago