Podcast Advertising....

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Get your message heard when people are really listening

Sponsoring a show
can help you to reach younger audiences

Podcasts reach audiences in an authentic way, ensuring that audiences engage with your brand more effectively than through pure advertising messages.

Audiences are more likely to think positively about a brand who is sponsoring a podcast series:

36% strongly agree

they pay more attention to host-read ads than any other form of advertising

48% favourability

for brands who use podcast sponsorship

Source: NielsonĀ  Podcasting Today, 2021, Edison Super Listeners 2022


Host-read ads drive a betterĀ brand recall rateĀ which subsequently creates high levels of consumer interest, purchase intent and recommendation intent


Longer ads drive even higher lifts amongst consumers

Sponsor a podcast now from Ā£500

You can get bespoke content about your product or service to a highly targeted audience.

Some of our favourite host reads

Better Help – Joss Stone

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What's best for your brand?

ProgrammaticA simple 30 sec media buy which is played across multiple podcasts.
Branded contentCreation of bespoke content specific to your brand and objectives. Build an audience from scratch but very effective at driving awareness and consideration for your brand. Long term brand building exercise.
Branded episodesPerfect if one show captures the attention of your audience. Co-create an episode with the host which will automatically reach their entire audience. Examples include developing a new product which they endorse, taking them on an adventure or being interviewed as one of their guests.
Sponsor a showThe host of a show will talk about your product or service in the style that their audience is familiar with. Authentic brand association for an engaged audience.

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