
Podcasts on YouTube – 4 Mistakes to Avoid

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

So, you’ve decided to put your podcast on Youtube? Great choice.

According to a recent survey, over 50% of podcast listeners use YouTube to find new podcast content, with over 18% of listeners selecting YouTube as their most frequent platform of choice for podcast consumption. 

As YouTube has such a large consumer base just waiting to be tapped into, effectively reaching that target audience becomes crucial. Unfortunately though, it’s not as easy as uploading your podcast to YouTube and crossing your fingers. No one wants to be wasting energy and precious resources, so here are 4 mistakes we recommend avoiding. 

Mistake 1. Auto-publishing content

If it seems too good to be true, it generally is. There are plenty of tools out there that enable you to automatically turn your podcast episode into a YouTube video. In fact, when used appropriately they can be an invaluable addition to your podcasting arsenal. We talked about Headliner in ‘5 free tools to help you grow your podcast online’, if you have a large back catalogue of episodes you’d like to stick on YouTube.

However, simply churning out a stack of videos and waiting for the YouTube magic to kick in isn’t likely to get you very far. This content won’t grow organically, it won’t be promoted by YouTube, and if this is your main strategy, your channel’s growth will be stunted. So, if that’s the approach you had in mind … it might be time to reconsider.

Why is it that auto-publishing podcast content results in a YouTube channel’s stunted growth? Simply put, because that’s not how people interact with content on the platform. Which brings us to mistake number 2.



Mistake 2. Ignoring user habits

If you want to make the most out of YouTube, it’s time to start creating content that is tailored to the platform and its users. It’s important to understand your audience’s habits. The way they search for content, the things that keep them entertained, the ways to encourage them to click on the next video, to make them hit those all important ‘Like’ and ‘Subscribe’ buttons. Every single action down that funnel needs to be specifically tailored to YouTube and its users’ habits.  

So, while wanting to be visible across different social media channels makes sense, treating every channel the same doesn’t. 

Designing your podcast with YouTube in mind will help to streamline this process. While creating your podcast, dedicate some time to working out how you will present your show on YouTube. 

There’s a lot to consider, such as placing cameras in the correct positions, having the room laid out in a way that allows for engaging shots, reminding people to like and subscribe, capturing shorter intros for YouTube’s ‘get to the point’ attitude. 

The more you incorporate YouTube into your original podcast strategy, the easier it will be to reach people effectively and to get them watching the whole way through.

Here are some extra tips that will help: 

  • Make sure your video is transcribed
  • Keep viewers engaged with graphics, bullet points and related imagery
  • Keep your intro short and to the point

Want advice on filming your podcast? Check out our post on How to set up your camera for filming a podcast.

Now that you’re thinking about content that engages YouTube viewers specifically, it’s time to make sure they actually get the chance to see it. 


Mistake 3. No optimisation

70% of the content people watch on YouTube is found through recommendations. If used correctly, this means that YouTube has the potential to propel your content forward to audiences who will actually care about your content. It also means optimisation is more important than ever.

Spent ages thinking about a pun for your episode title? We’re sorry to say this, but it might not be the best choice for your YouTube title. Since SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is key for discoverability, it’s important to make sure your title encapsulates the key themes in your podcast while also taking into account user searching habits. 

TOP TIP: look at past videos with a similar theme to yours, analyse their titles to see what has worked for them, and then find a unique spin to make it your own. 

Essentially, if you want to convert YouTube viewers into podcast listeners, you should think about: 

  • Relevant keywords
  • The YouTube algorithm and trends
  • Careful editing – add timestamps to help users navigate your podcast

So, you’ve crafted your content, you’ve taken user habits into account, and you have your video optimised. Finished right?

Not so fast.


Mistake 4. Leaving it at that

Want to get as much traction as possible? Give yourself more than one shot. 
Take the key elements mentioned in your video, create micro-content, optimise them accordingly and maximise traffic. 

Create bonus content that keeps your new audience engaged and coming back. Have a constant schedule that people can rely on, and engage with your audience via community management.  

Once you’re creating content that people engage with, the biggest mistake you could make is leaving it at that. It’s time to nurture your community. But more on creating a YouTube Community Growth Strategy for your podcast in another blog…


Need some more tips on how to grow your podcast? Get in touch at and we’ll see how we can help.
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