
3 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting a Podcast

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

More and more people are getting into podcasting. According to research by Daniel J Lewis, Apple Podcasts have just shy of 2.5 million valid podcasts available. And hundreds and hundreds of new shows are being added every day.

So, with so many people diving into podcasting, it must be pretty easy to do, right?

Well, yes and no. Practically speaking, anyone with a few minutes of the day to spare and a decent internet connection can whip up a podcast. But that doesn’t mean everyone is getting million-pound deals with Spotify and pivoting to podcasting as their full-time, 7-figure career.


The truth

In all honesty, podcasting can be an incredibly rewarding, fun experience. But it’s also very hard – particularly if you want to create something of high quality. It takes a lot of time. It requires a lot of determination. And, most likely, your podcasting journey will not always be smooth sailing.

The good news, however, is that I’m going to share some advice with you today that should make your ride into podcasting a little less bumpy.


A helping hand

You see, here at Auddy, we are pretty podcast-obsessed. We love to listen to them. To make them. To support them. To produce them. Edit them. Market them. The. List. Goes. On. And with this in mind, I have asked various members of the Auddy team the question: what’s the one thing you wish you knew before you started podcasting?

I hope you find our words of wisdom helpful…


1. No purpose? No point!

“Know WHY you’re creating it in the first place,” says Misael Trujillo, Auddy’s Senior Marketing Manager.

It might seem like an obvious point to make, but you’d be surprised how many podcasters fall at this first hurdle.

As explained by Misael: “There’s nothing wrong with hitting record and chatting with a couple of mates if that brings you all personal joy – if sharing it with a few friends is what you were setting out to achieve. But if you’re worried about growing your show and gaining listeners, then that’s really not going to cut it. It’s time to do your homework and craft something people will engage with.”

If you want your podcast to be noticed among the masses of other shows out there, you must be able to clearly define what your show is about, and why people would be interested in it. What’s its purpose?

Misael has his own podcast, Promote The Hell Out Of It!, which is all about creative people shining a light on their passions and work. That’s what people listen for – and they know what they’re signing up for because the podcast’s key message is written in the title. So, similarly, your podcast needs to have a clear purpose that your listeners can easily grasp.

In agreement, Liam Thompson, Auddy’s Creative Director says, “You should be able to describe your show idea simply and clearly in a way that makes it sound appealing. If you can’t do that, how will your audience tell their friends about your show?”

“Make sure your idea is strong enough. Do some research, see what else is out there, find something that makes your show distinctive and unique,” he adds.

For the record, Liam has a very successful podcast, The Smart 7, which has gained over 10 million listens in just 2 years. So, between you and me, it’s worth listening to Liam’s advice!


2. It’s not what you know – it’s who you know

Podcasting is becoming a busier and busier crowd, but you can use this to your advantage.

Sophie Paluch, Auddy’s Acquisition and Partner Manager, advises: “There is a huge podcasting community out there, so don’t be afraid to reach out, go to events, webinars and get involved. There is a huge ever-evolving knowledge share between podcasters on how best to make, grow and monetise your podcast. So just get yourself out there and start learning!”

It’s true – there are plenty of people out there who are passionate about podcasting and keen to help this community grow. So, take advantage of this. Spend half an hour one day searching for some resources relevant to you, whether that be:

  • Blogs
  • YouTube channels
  • Webinars
  • Newsletters
  • Live events
  • Social media accounts
  • Forums
  • Courses
  • Anything else you like the look of!


If you’re not sure where to start, why not sign up to Auddy’s newsletter? We’ll send all of our podcast tips, information and events your way each month. You can subscribe here (go on, you know you want to!).


3. Change is coming, and that’s OK!

Just like YouTube or social media or music, podcasts evolve. The industry changes and flourishes over time. And actually, if you compare them to films, books, and other creative outlets, podcasts are still fairly new. This industry is nowhere near its peak.

In light of this, Meera Kumar, Auddy’s Content Development Executive, recommends entering the podcast scene with an open mind.

She points out: “Audio is a tool that has applications in both the real world and the metaverse. I think podcasts have their place, but the most exciting innovations will come from thinking of audio as more than just the end product.”

“With Web3 and more in-person events, I think we’ll be encouraged to play with audio in a completely different way. So, come with an open mind and be prepared for some major shifts in the audio industry!”

Meera’s got a point – podcasting is very much about being agile. Spotting trends. Keeping a close eye on your audience and their needs. Perusing new, yet relevant, opportunities. Knowing when to make a change, or when to sit back and remain patient. These are all common qualities in good podcasters. It’s also what makes podcasting so refreshing and fun to work in. So, don’t just sit on the sidelines – get involved too!


Need some help starting, producing or growing your podcast? Send us an email at and we’d be happy to help.
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