Business Podcasts

Auddy brings its exceptional creativity and storytelling to your business

There is a growing trend for businesses to use podcasts as a way to engage their communities; whether internal or external.

At Auddy, we specialise in supporting businesses to develop the right approach to meet their needs whilst maintaining our storytelling credentials.

So, whether you are hoping to grow brand awareness, brand favourability or engage with internal staff , Auddy will make the business of podcasts effective and easy.

Our tech-based platform solution is a private ecosystem, allowing only your community access to your bespoke and premium content whilst also providing superior analytics into your listener profile.

Audio is easier to consume than visual or textual content.



For 28 mins vs 2 mins for video.



Primary reason to consume podcasts



89% increase in brand awareness and 24% brand favourability

Internal Podcasts

Podcasts which can only be listened to by your staff or even a certain department are becoming increasingly popular. These can rejuvenate your internal communication so everyone in your business feels more connected.

Examples include engaging with large or remote staff, motivating and training sales teams, educating and supporting franchisees or even allowing you to share success stories and employee stories to reinvigorate the team.

Internal CommunicationsPodcasts are increasingly being used by businesses to reach their employees. These are delivered through a private podcast platform to enable bespoke, and targeted, messages for teams. These can help employees beat screen fatigue, can accommodate diversity in learning methods and are a great solution to build company culture.
Leading Sales TeamsAs sales teams are returning to the road, this is an ideal opportunity to improve communication with remote or disconnected teams. As they travel in between appointments, they can benefit from updates to improve motivation, knowledge sharing and core product enhancements.
Franchise PartnersFranchisees often struggle to keep up with information from the central business whilst ensuring the success of their store. Improving communication via podcasts will ensure that they can access information quickly and at a moment which aligns with their schedule.
Member CommunicationsReaching a select audience of customers, such as members, subscribers or charity donors, allows your business to tailor messaging or offer bespoke content which only they can access.
Share Vision or Goals
Manage Change
Encourage Employees
Celebrate Talent
Celebrate Success
Boost Morale
Improve Communication
Improve Development

Our Approach

As a brand, it’s important to understand the role that content can play in your success. In the strategy phase, we work with you to identify the communication and brand objectives you are trying to achieve – and what the most effective approach is to do so.

Developing the right concept to engage your audience is vital to your success. Delivering unique and compelling ideas is the key to maximising your engagement.

We will work with you every step of the way. From writing a script, to selecting the best host, recording, production and sound design, we will ensure that your podcast is both professional and engaging.

Understanding who your audience is will allow you to know how to reach them. If you want to reach new audiences, a public platform is vital. To speak to your existing audience (e.g. internal communication), you will want to restrict access to the content and our proprietry private platform allows this.

Getting your podcast live can feel pretty daunting as you navigate the world of RSS feeds, hosting platforms and key art. We can do all of this for you to make it painfree.

Now that you have a podcast, how do you ensure that your audience knows about it? We have a team of specialists who can lead this for you – developing key art, trailers, social assets and delivering marketing campaigns.